Criminal Lawyer

Looking for a criminal lawyer? Perhaps you have a question about what a complaint is or how to file a complaint? Kecser Law Firm is at your disposal in the whole field of criminal law, in particular we have special experience in the defense clients accused of committing people smuggling. But when do you need defense in criminal proceedings? What makes a good criminal lawyer? Below is a summary of the most important and useful information you need to know about criminal law and criminal procedures.

Defense in criminal proceedings

The defense of the accused is a fundamental element of the criminal proceedings, a guarantee of due process of law. In addition to their own defense, the accused may also entrust their defense to a criminal lawyer, i.e. a defense attorney. In certain cases the participation of a defense attorney is mandatory in criminal proceedings if for example the offence is punishable by law with imprisonment of 5 years or more, if the accused is in any form of detention, or if the accused does not speak Hungarian.

How can a criminal lawyer, a defense attorney help?

Hiring a lawyer is not only advisable in cases of mandatory defense, as even the simplest witness interview or claim for damages, or the early stages of criminal proceedings, require expertise, for which knowledge of the current legislation and legal terms is essential. Without a lawyer, it is easy to get lost in procedural details, which can often have adverse consequences.

Not only does a lawyer facilitate transparency in the proceedings, but it is particularly important in the field of criminal law that the defense attorney is able to prepare the client for the possible legal consequences, to answer questions from the authorities and to provide information on all the issues that may arise.

Things to consider when choosing the right criminal lawyer?

Expertise and competence: the client's aim is to get the right help at any stage of the criminal proceedings. The right lawyer is not only required to know their role, but also to be able to assist the client throughout the proceedings, to have the necessary competence and expertise to represent the client in each procedural step and to provide information on the likely legal consequences. All the above require a thorough knowledge of the law and the procedure.

Availability: In addition to the requirements of expertise and competence, a good lawyer must be able to provide his client with the right information at the right time. It is therefore essential that the client can contact their lawyer at any time. A defense attorney must always be available to his client, and this is particularly important in the field of criminal law.

Transparent fees and costs: the lawyer must clearly inform his client of both the fixed amount of his own fees and any costs that he may incur or be required to pay during the proceedings.

Kecser Law Firm fully complies with the above conditions when representing clients in criminal proceedings.

Focus areas:

Criminal defense: it is an important principle of criminal procedure and criminal law that no one can be presumed guilty until they have been found guilty by a final and binding court decision. Accordingly, an accused person has the right to an effective defense at all stages of criminal proceedings and is entitled to be assisted by a defense lawyer. Kecser Law Firm ensures effective defense, preparedness for the proceedings in order to ensure that the rights of the accused guaranteed by law are properly represented in the criminal procedure.

Representation of victims in criminal proceedings: It is crucial for the victim to be able to properly assert their interests following the harm they have suffered, even at the initial stage of criminal proceedings. Kecser Law Firm can help you in the following areas:

  • How to make a complaint and how to file it with the police
  • Preparation and submission of other pleadings (request for evidence, appeal)
  • Claiming damages
  • Preparation for the investigative measure in the event of a subpoena (witness interview, on- the-spot interview, confrontation, personal interview)
  • Providing full information on rights and obligations
  • Monitoring the authorities' compliance with substantive and procedural rules

People smuggling: Kecser Law Firm has extensive experience and expertise in representing clients accused of committed people smuggling, whether they are Hungarian or foreigners.

H-1097 Budapest, Nádasdy u. 12. 6th floor, 613.

This website is operated by Kecser Law Firm (registration number: 4549, registry chamber: Budapest Bar Association – H-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which together with information on client rights are available at website.

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